At this place I would like to thank all who helped building these pages.

Standing for many more only few may be mentioned.



The graphics from

Hermann Jacobsen, Das Sukkulentenlexikon, Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1970

are used with kindly permission of  the Spektrum Verlag. 1)



Photos were contributed by   2)

  (AR) Adrian Rossiter

(BV) Boris Vrskovy

(DH) Dave Hall

(GP) Günter Pietz

(IM) Ian Menkins

(JM) Joe Mockus

(KM) Kevin Modie

(ML) Maddy Lehmann

(MM) Marlon Machado

(MW) Michael Wolf

(MP) Pukundan P.

 (RH) Reinhard Henning

(RL) Robert Lunsford

(WE) Wolfgang Ewest



Seeds and plants came (among others) from

Alain, Alan, Bernd, Bill, Boris, Christian, Daphne, Dave, Emmanuel, Hansheiner, Jaap, Jacques, Jeff, John, Juarez, Jürgen, Maddy, Marlon, Meena, Michael, Monika, Norbert, Peter, Philippe, Ram, Reinhard, Rikus, Satoshi, Tom, Tsuh Yang, Volker, Volker, Weijen, Wolfgang



With his extensive knowledge about literature helped

Stephen Jankalski

who identified several plants I was uncertain about – and some plants I was certain about but wrong.



With translation into English helped

Maddy Lehmann

Alan Butler




Special thanks to the producers, authors and photographers of the

Euphorbia Journal.

These books gave me the inspiration for my Euphorbia pages.



Write me please

if you have any questions or suggestions

or if you can help with data, photos or plants to extend these pages furthermore.



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All data and photos on these pages

- with the exception of 1) and 2) -

are free for non-commercial use.